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Effective 01/01/18




Share Savings 0.20 % 0.20 %
Share Draft Account 0.00 % 0.00 %
Christmas Club 0.20 % 0.20 %
Vacation Club 0.20 % 0.20 %
Investment Club 0.20 % 0.20 %
IRA 0.40 % 0.40 %
6 month Certificate of Deposit $1,000.00 minimum 0.40 % 0.40 %
12 month Certificate of Deposit $1,000.00 minimum 0.50 % 0.50 %
24 month Certificate of Deposit $1,000.00 minimum 0.70 % 0.70 %
Share Secured Term
100 % Share Secured: 2.50 % above current share dividend rate
50 % Share Secured: 4.50 % above current share dividend rate
Unsecured (Signature) Rates*
Less than $1,000


12.50 %
$1,000 - $2,999 12 months 10.50 %

13 - 36 months

37 - 48 months

12.50 %

12.75 %

$3,000 and up 12 months 9.00 %
   13 - 36 months 12.00 %
   37 - 48 months 12.50 %
***Maximum Unsecured (Signature) Loan Amount is $10,000.00
Open End Line Of Credit (3 yr.) Revolving Line Prime + 5.00 %
New Car Loan Rates
Up to 100 % Financing: 24 months 5.50 %
   36 - 48 months 5.75 %
   60 months 6.00 %
$20,000 And Above 72 months 6.75 %
   84 months 7.00 %
Up to 85 % Financing: 24 months 5.25 %
   36 - 48 months 5.50 %
   60 months 5.75 %
$20,000 And Above 72 months 6.50 %
   84 months 6.75 %
Up to 50 % Financing: 24 months 5.00 %
   36 - 48 months 5.25 %
   60 months 5.50 %
Used Car Loan Rates
*** Current year previously titled vehicles with 25,000 miles or less will be financed as NEW VEHICLE under existing loan parameters.

Current year previously titled vehicles with over 25,000 miles may be financed as follows:
   24 months 6.25 %
   25 - 36 months 6.50 %
   37 - 48 months 6.75 %
   60 months 7.00 %
$20,000 AND ABOVE 72 months 7.50 %
  NADA Retail Value
1 yr. old vehicle max. 60 months 7.50 %
2 yr. old vehicle max. 60 months 7.75 %
   NADA Loan Value
3-4 yr old vehicle max. 60 months 8.00 %
5-7 yr old vehicle - must be paid for by the time they are 10 years old max. 60 months 8.75 %
Mortgage Loan Rates
Home Equity Line Of Credit 10 yr. (variable rate) Prime plus 2.50 %*
   5 yr. (fixed rate) 6.50%
*Plus 1% application fee on approved limit
1st Mortgage - Up to 90 % LTV (primary Residence) and up to 80 % LTV (non primary residence)
(15 yr. balloon) 30 yr. 6.35 % *
15 yr. 5.75 % *
   10 yr. 5.50 %*
   5 yr. 5.25 % *
Second Mortgage - Up to 90 % LTV (primary Residence) and up to 80 % LTV (non primary residence)
10 yr. 7.25 % *
5 yr. 6.75 % *

*Plus 1% application fee on approved limit
One-time $10 application fee.
Maximum credit limit is $10,000

11.00 %
** Loan Rates are good for new money only. Loans can not be refinanced to receive the new or lower rate.
***Call or come by the credit union for information regarding our rates. Some restrictions may apply.

                                           Copyright © 2003 - Old Dominion University Credit Union. All rights reserved.